
The examinations for Fellowship of the Royal College of Pathologists in Haematology are designed to assess a trainee’s knowledge, skills and behaviour in the fields detailed in the Haematology Curriculum. Possession of FRCPath in Haematology by examination is a mandatory requirement for the award of a CCT in Haematology.

Possession of MRCP(UK) is also a mandatory requirement for the award of a CCT in Haematology. It is expected that UK trainees in Haematology will have completed the examinations for MRCP(UK) (or equivalent) prior to attempting the FRCPath examinations in Haematology.

The MRCP(UK) examination provides valid, reliable evidence of attainment of knowledge, clinical skills and behaviour in acute internal medicine. From 2008 trainees will, as a minimum, be required to pass Part 1 MRCP (UK) as the knowledge-based assessment for core training before proceeding to ST3 and specialty training.

Trainees are advised to complete the remaining elements (Part 2 Written and PACES) as soon as possible after starting core training in Medicine. Although passing MRCP(UK) is not essential to progress to ST3, it is likely to inform the allocation to specialty training. MRCP(UK) should certainly be completed before the end of ST3 so that trainees can focus on specialty training and assessments. Failure to gain MRCP(UK) by the end of ST3 may lead to recommendations for additional training. 

Part 1

Haematology Part 1 Examination

Scope of the Part 1 examination

Paper 1: Essays

Paper 2: MCQ/EMQs

Blueprint for the MCQ Examination

Part 2

Haematology Part 2 Examination

Scope and format of the Part 2 examination

Morphology: Short Answer Questions

Morphology: Long Cases



Oral Examination