This page is for trainees approaching the end of their training and preparing to apply for a consultant post for the first time. A variety of resources are available here to provide support and guidance. In addition, this will be supported by a New Consultant Day that will be held at the College in April.
When taking up a new consultant post, please remember to update your contact details with the College, either by logging into your MyRCPath account, click on 'My Account' from the menu on the right, or by emailing the Membership team with your amended details.
‘Top tips’ for new pathology consultants
Consultants across the pathology specialties provide helpful advice for new consultants.
Leadership, coaching and mentoring resources
The NHS Leadership Academy provides a range of resources for health and care leadership development, including links to regional coaching and mentoring resources. NHS Leadership Academy has centralised its coaching resources and they are now held here for all of England.
Northern Ireland
Further reading
What do I need to do to become a consultant? BMJ 2020;368:m94
How can I polish my CV? BMJ 2019;366:l4903
How can I smoothly transition from trainee to consultant? BMJ 2020;370:m3677