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Medical Genetics
Certificate in Medical Genetics
Certificate in Medical Genetics
Format and structure
The Certificate in Medical Genetics examination is a single paper consisting of 18 compulsory short answer questions (SAQs), to be answered in 3 hours. SAQs are designed to test factual knowledge and understanding across the range of the 2021 Medical Genetics Curriculum. Each question comprises a stem and 6 sub-questions. The stem defines the topic of the question and may include a short scenario or vignette. Each sub question is designed to elicit a specific piece of information, or demonstration of understanding of the topic and its context. Unless stated otherwise, the answer required will relate specifically to the material provided in the stem and not to the topic in general.
SAQs are criterion-marked against an explicit model answer, marks are only awarded for information required by the question – no marks are available for additional material.
If a defined number of facts are requested (e.g. State 2 causes of.....), only that number of responses will be marked (e.g. Answer – correct cause, incorrect cause, correct cause, will only receive 1 out of 2 marks).
Answers requiring more than single word or phrase responses will be answerable in a single sentence or a small number of sentences.
Examiners will be looking for key concepts in these answers and no marks will awarded for extra information. Candidates should practise writing short, concise answers, which include only the information requested. Good use of English and avoidance of abbreviations are, however, essential. Candidates who write unnecessarily long answers are likely to penalise themselves because these answers waste time.
The mark allocation for each sub-question will be stated in brackets in each instance.
This examination is offered once a year in the Spring during the Part 1 exam week.