Public engagement videos
Take a look at some of the videos the College has created in aid of public engagement with pathology. If you'd like to be involved in future projects, please don't hesitate to get in touch with [email protected].
What is a pathologist?
If you haven't got long and you want to explain quickly and simply what a pathologist is, then you can use this short animation!
What happens to your sample?
This set of videos explains what happens after a sample has been taken. A lot of people will have a biopsy, or have their blood taken, but many do not know how they get their results. Help tell people about the amazing work that the experts are doing behind the scenes by sharing these videos.
Interviews with consultants
For National Pathology Week 2018, we worked consultants from four of the largest specialties to talk about their career. If you're holding an event with a school or university and want to explain what different career pathways look like, then use these videos to do so. Watch the full playlist and find your specialty here.
If this has you feeling intrigued – as we expect it will do – then we’ve also shared the full interviews online. This playlist can be shared with students as a more in-depth look at specific roles in pathology.
Help us share our videos
- Hold a screening event for hospital staff to promote the work of pathology departments.
- Speak to your hospital communications team about displaying the videos on hospital multimedia e.g. on waiting room screens or on bedside TVs.
- Set up a stand in the foyer of the hospital to promote pathology and have the videos playing on a loop on a laptop to draw people in.
- Speak to your children’s school about arranging a screening of the videos during a special assembly or as part of a careers day.
Public Engagement event video guides
The ‘Living Autopsy’ videos and accompanying event materials offer inspiration and step-by-step guidance for pathologists, science event organisers and others on how to run a Living Autopsy lecture for public audiences. Watch the welcome video for more information and then head to the Living Autopsy resource page to find out more.
Your Body Your Consent is a tried-and-tested workshop, which introduces secondary school students to ethical issues surrounding the Human Tissue Act of 2004. Find out more in our welcome video and then go to the Your Body Your Consent resource page for more information.