3DHISTECH is dedicated to providing clinical pathologists, researchers, hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, biobanks, laboratories, veterinary practices, and universities with digital pathology solutions to facilitate quick and accurate diagnostics, supporting medical discoveries and fostering education.

The way forward for pathology is digital. Working with digital slides enables early disease screening, accurate diagnosis, eventually leading to efficient treatment. 

Founded in 1996, 3DHISTECH is the first European manufacturer of digital pathology devices and one of the global market leaders with more than 3000 systems sold. 

What differentiates us from the competition is our exclusive focus on digital pathology, digital cytology, digital microscopy, digital image analysis, digital confocal, digital FISH, digital TMA and digital IHC. 

3DHISTECH’s hardware offering consists of the flagship PANNORAMIC™ whole slide imaging scanner range and the world’s fastest tissue microarray machinery.

3DHISTECH’s software range includes Track & Sign® and CaseManager® which encompass the entire workflow management. Additionally, ClinicalViewer®, Diagnostic Applications® and Teleconsultation® for digital diagnostic solutions.

SlideManager® covers the research project management workflow with Pannoramic Scanner Software®, SlideCenter ®, SlideViewer ®, 3DView ® and QuantCenter® image analysis solutions, stored by QuantServer ®.
3DHISTECH is the proud winner of several image quality and scanner speed awards at International Scanner Contests. Find out more on our website.

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