Enter a poster into this year’s RCPath Wales Symposium Poster Competition

We are inviting professionals from various fields of Pathology  to submit their abstracts for poster presentations at our upcoming RCPath Wales Symposium on 25th October 2024.

Posters are an excellent way to showcase research, projects, best practice, service improvement projects, audits, interesting cases or ideas in a visually engaging and informative way. This is your opportunity to showcase what you have been working on individually, or as part of a team.

We would love a range of research ideas across all specialties. Your ideas might come from the event’s theme, or more generally the pathology related work you are particularly proud of and want to put in the limelight.

Winner of the first prize will be awarded £100. Winners of the second and third prizes will receive £50 each.

Winners will present their posters at the RCPath Wales Symposium on Friday 25th October 2024 in Cardiff (in person only).

Terms and conditions

We highly recommend taking time to read the competition's Terms & Conditions.  To get you started we have selected a few points from the full T&Cs which can be found below.

  • There can be more than one author of the poster that is submitted, but one person must be nominated as main point of contact and to take receipt of the prize.
  • Only one submission per author/s is allowed.
  • Resubmission of a poster that has previously been entered into another College poster competition is not allowed.
  • The competition is open to Wales entrants only.
  • The theme is open to individual interpretation, but entries must have pathology at their heart or be inspired by the overall theme of RCPath Wales Symposium. Information on the disciplines which encompass pathology can be found in the careers section of the website.

Submit your abstract

Each abstract entry should be accompanied by the following information:

  1. Abstracts should be no longer than 250 words.
  2. The abstract should include the following information:
  • Title of the poster
  • Name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s)
  • Objectives and purpose of the research or project
  • Methods and materials used
  • Results or expected outcomes
  • Conclusions and implications
  1. Please also include a brief biography of the author(s) no longer than 50 words.
  2. Authors of accepted posters will be expected present their posters and to answer questions during the poster session at the online event.

Please send entries to [email protected] before 23.59 GMT on Friday 4th October 2024, when the competition closes. Notifications of acceptance will be sent out by 14th October 2024.

We look forward to receiving your abstracts and seeing the innovative work that you are doing in your respective fields! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.