"The Generation Game." With new pressures on all healthcare providers, the 2024 CSC Autumn Study Day investigates issues that are currently at the forefront managing healthcare associated infections, in a world full of competing priorities. Are there lessons to be learnt from the past? Are we still fighting the same old battles? Where are the risks and are we going over the top with our processes? Do we need to change our focus and behaviour? Autumn Study Day 2024 sees the introduction of an exciting new feature, a fully interactive discussion with Key Opinion Leaders in the afternoon.


  • The Autumn Study Day 2024 will open with a welcome and introduction from the new chair setting the theme based on recognising the generation gap in lack of understanding/education why we do what we did in reusable medical device decontamination.
  • We will reflect on the past looking at some of the high risk surgical devices and explore how we can use this historical evidence to inform the future.
  • We'll then look at the present and how the sustainability agenda and technology are having and impact. Well review the evidence and links between Alzeimers and vCJD .
  • The afternoon will focus on the latest NHS Estates technical Bulletin for the competance framework for staff working in decontamination departs and have an interactive discussion with key opionion leaders and the audience on how they see the guidance being implemented. We will round off the afternoon learning about behvaiour change and what environmental and human factors are required to instigate the desire to change.


All staff related to medical device decontamination; IPC leads; Authorising Engineers (D); anyone with an interest in healthcare staff education and development; Sustainability leads; Clinical microbiologists; Decontamination leads.


  • Dr Gavin Hughes
  • Pat Cattini
  • Dr Tim Horeman
  • Jim Tinsdeall
  • Trevor Garcia
  • Janet Pearson
  • Tony Sullivan
  • Prof Ian Walker
  • John Prendergast

  • 09:00 - 14/10/2024 to 15:45 - 14/10/2024
  • Crowne Plaza NEC, Pendigo Way, Marston Green, Birmingham, B40 1PS, United Kingdom