16 October 2024

We are inviting members to provide valuable feedback about the College and their membership experience.

The survey is open to fellows, diplomates, associates, affiliates, medical examiner and medical examiner officer members of the College.  

The survey will close in mid-November, and to maximise the impact of the results, we need as many members as possible to give their feedback.  

Member Survey 2024

This survey is an instrumental tool to ensure that we are delivering on the most important objectives for our members. This is your College, and we need your input to better serve you and the profession. Thank you in advance for your time and contribution to this.

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Dr Bernie Croal President

Each member has been sent a unique survey link via email from [email protected] – please ensure that this email address is in your contact list and check your junk folder if you can’t find it. The personalised link allows you to save your answers and complete the survey at a later time if necessary. 

Why are we conducting a member survey? 

The purpose of this survey is to collect your feedback on the College, the products and services we provide and your overall member experience. 

The results of this survey will be invaluable in helping us to improve our member services. It will allow us to prioritise member voices in informing the delivery of our 2024-29 College Strategy, as well as our future work to support both members and the profession.  

Our members are central to everything that we do, and we are committed to building a strong College community that every member is proud to be part of. Listening to our members and providing meaningful opportunities for feedback is a key part of this objective.  

Conducting a survey allows us to make informed, effective, data-driven decisions for our members. To maximise impact, it is essential that as many members as possible participate in the survey. That’s why we need you to participate. This is your opportunity to make your voice heard about the things that really matter to you. 

How the data will be collected and used 

We have commissioned an independent market research agency, Research by Design, to manage this survey on our behalf. Your contribution to the survey will remain confidential and anonymous. 

Personalised survey links have been sent via email to all eligible members from [email protected].  

Once collected, the College will analyse feedback to identify trends and areas of improvement. We will release the survey results to members in the form of a report, and present our findings and subsequent action plan. 

Have we conducted this kind of survey before? 

In 2018, the College conducted a Member Satisfaction Survey to gain a deeper understanding of how our members perceive the College, and which products and services are of most importance to them. The results revealed many positive aspects of membership. It also revealed several areas where we should focus our efforts to improve our services. In June 2020, we published our ‘you spoke, we listened’ report, outlining how member feedback shaped our activities over the previous 18 months. 

In line with the College Strategy 2024-2029, one of our key objectives is to ‘Listen to members and use their insights to develop an engaging and inclusive membership benefit portfolio’. Bolstering lines of communication between members and the College will support us in foster a sense of pride and belonging among the membership, making it a great time to conduct our next member survey.  

If you have any questions or comments about the survey, please get in touch with us at [email protected].